
The secret to perfect skin is ThermoClear! Since we’ve been in business, clients have come to us complaining of skin imperfections. Traditionally, many of these conditions required a visit to the dermatologist with high out-of-pocket cost. Now, thanks to this advanced technology by ThermoClear, we can treat these conditions in our spa boutique and you can see results in as little as one visit.

ThermoClear utilizes low and high radio frequency to quickly and easily treat with little to no down time and with minimal discomfort. Using a small wand, we can target the appropriate level of frequency directly on top of your skin imperfections. The current delivered from the machine dehydrates the area therefore clearing up the imperfection in as little as one session. ThermoClear can treat spider capillaries, cherry angiomas, sebaceous hyperplasia, milia, hyperpigmentation, fibromas & skin tags.

We strongly encourage you to have your physician examine any questionable area(s), get more than one opinion if needed. We will not treat any lesions, warts, or moles that we feel are not safe. This device only treats the top layer of your skin leaving the lower layers of the skin unaffected.

$150 up to 15-minute treatment | $300 up to 30-minute treatment

As we introduce this new service we will be offering a special promotion on Thursdays only.
Until September 30th, 2022 – get this service starting at $90 for up to 15-minutes.

FSA/HSA Accepted.

Want your ThermoClear treatment complimentary?

Host a ThermoClear Party!

Invite 4-8 of your family and friends. At a ThermoClear Party we will have a group consultation & after care discussion. Each guest will have to pay for their non-refundable treatment 48 hours prior to party. Each guest will get a 15-minute ThermoClear treatment, post treatment kit, and an exclusive retail sale just for your party guest. Party retail preorders are accepted until a week before the party date. Guest must be compliant to get the best results and not recommended for clients who will not use sun protection or follow home care instructions. If the hostess gets 8 confirmed guest their treatment is complimentary. Parties are usually 2-3 hrs. depending on number of guest. We will start promptly.

How many treatments will you need?

For many clients, one session is all it takes! At your skin analysis and consultation, your esthetician will check and determine whether a 15-minute session is sufficient. Sometimes, 2 or more sessions may be needed to complete the treatment, and/or a combination of professional treatments and homecare to achieve your goals.

Does it hurt?

A small thin probe is used to barely touch the skin which vaporizes and dries the affected area creating very small crusts that heals and flakes off in 3 to 15 days. Clients describe their pain level as a 1-3 on a scale of 1-10. Similar to the sensation of a very quick sting which dissipates quickly when the probe is lifted – the probe never pierces the skin. There’s a quick, minimal discomfort–a brief sting that only lasts a few seconds as each lesion is vaporized.

What happens after my service and what is the aftercare?

You may experience some mild irritation, redness, and crusting on the treated areas. You will need to avoid direct sunlight immediately after the treatment–but it’s smart to be sun-safe all the time! Within 24-hours the treated area will create a small dark spot on the skin, that we call a lesion. This “brown spot” is perfectly normal and will slough off in about 5-10 days, revealing a slightly pink spot, which is going to be a little sensitive. Depending on your skin conditions it can take 30+ days for the slight pink spot and sensitivity to heal.

Post treatment home care is highly encouraged!

  1. DO NOT PICK the area – avoid picking and scratching the treated area to achieve your best results. If any crusting appears you can apply an antibiotic cream. Some practitioner’s recommend Bacitracin and/or Caladryl lotion and others prefer an after sunburn gel.
  2. Makeup may be used 24 hours after the treatment, unless there is any sign of epidermal bleeding. It is recommended to use fresh makeup or a powdered mineral makeup to reduce the possibility of infection.
  3. You may shower after the treatment with tepid (lukewarm) water. If extensive work has been done on the treated area, you may need to apply Aquaphor or healing balm when you are in the shower and lightly remove it after bathing. Skin should be patted dry and not rubbed. After 24 hours, you can wash the area gently with a mild soap.
  4. You may experience redness, scabbing, and/or slight bruising for 5-10 days after the treatment. Avoid direct sun exposure and tanning beds for 2-3 weeks and throughout the course of your recommended treatment process. Use sunscreen SPF 30 or higher at all times when going out in the sunlight.
  5. Avoid tweezing, waxing/sugaring, bleaching, chemical peels, and all laser treatments during the course of the treatment. Do not use irritants such as Retin-A, glycolic, or exfoliators, including a loofa, until the area has completely healed up.
  6. Call your ThermoClear professional with any questions or concerns you may have during your treatment aftercare. Check-in a week after your treatment via email with updated pictures and any questions and concerns you may have.
  7. You can use a post treatment skin care home regimen 24 hours after treatment to help with your results and healing process. Schedule your next facial within a month.

What are the contraindications?

  • Current or recent use of Accutane, dermatitis, open lesions, active herpes infection, and sunburn and keratoses.
  • Avoid going to a tanning bed two weeks prior to treatment. This practice should be discontinued due to the increased risk of skin cancer and signs of aging.
  • Any and all forms of hair removal for 7 days prior.
  • Cosmetic injections for 2 weeks before and after treatments.
  • Refrain use of Tretinoin, Retin-A, Renova, Differin, Tazorac, Avage, EpiDuo, Ziana and high-percentage AHA and BHA products for approximately 7 days prior to treatment.
  • If you are allergic to nickel please make sure you have it in writing and verbally communicate with your spa professional.
  • High or Low Blood Pressure, blood thinners may affect treatment.
  • Sensitive or thin skin, service may feel uncomfortable and take longer to heal.
  • Consult your Physician before temporarily discontinuing use of any prescription medications.

Who should not get this service?

  • Clients who are Pregnant; wait 2-3 months postpartum.
  • Clients who have Metal Implants such as pace makers.
  • Clients with Heart Conditions.
  • Clients who have Epilepsy.
  • Clients with a history of Blood Clots, please consult your physician and get a written note.
  • Clients with Blood Disorders, please consult your physician and get a written note.
  • Clients going through Cancer treatment, please consult your physician and get a written note.
  • Clients who have an Autoimmune Disease like Lupus, please consult your physician and get a written note.
  • When in doubt about a skin problem have the lesion evaluated by a physician before you treat and get a written note.